About Our Commitment
Promoting the Conservation and Rural Development
Naturoots is a company that is born in search of finding the balance between the conservation and development of rural territories. This is our social challenge; to promote the activity in rural areas, promoting responsible tourism with the environment, by spreading the essential values of the nature, and strengthening cultural connections driven by this coexistence. The implementation of tasks aimed at ensuring the conservation and sustainability of the environment are our core operating.

A Vision Ecosystem Approach To The Integral
A vision ecosystem as we stand highlights the importance of including the human being as a substantial part of the own ecosystems that we want to preserve. It takes us away from the concept of conservation passive, which for so long has caused a rift between object and subject (person) of such harmful consequences. The new philosophies, to which we adhere, highlighted the value of the systems from the perspective of socio-ecological issues in which the human being plays a crucial role, especially in a mediterranean ecosystem transformed by the presence of the human being for more than two millennia.
Challenges and Commitments
Upward mobility, rural abandonment and the consequent concentration of the population in the cities account for a set of added risks to the complexities of the original ecosystems and constitute a serious challenge to the conservation objectives that we stand in Naturoots. Spain has become a country demographically atypical in Europe, with vast tracts with population densities are so extremely low that they have only compared to arid regions of northern Finland. This is a huge loss of values, both natural and cultural, and increases the risk of degradation of many of the formations more valuable from the point of view of ecology of our environment.

Reconnecting with Nature
The need to re-establish the connection with nature seems to us to be essential in the context in which we find ourselves. That's why Naturoots acquires a social commitment linked to the dissemination of traditional values as a basic tool for the achievement of sustainability goals. The fixation of rural employment and participation in the general projects of local development are also part of our social commitment.
Our Team
You know the Sierra de Andújar with us

Daniel Smiling
Master en espacios naturales protegidos

Miguel Angel Jimenez
Master en manejo de recursos naturales

Alicia Jurado Lopez
Licenciada en Ciencias Ambientales

Lara Craft Alegre
Doctora en biología

Olmo Nieto Jiménez
Master in Management and Conservation of Nature