Comming soon Raptors hide

Photo of Large birds of Prey in the Sierra de Andújar

The skies of the Sierra de Andújar is the setting for a multitude of species of birds, among which stand out due to their size and power of the large birds of prey.


We invite you to enjoy a day of photography of birds of prey in their natural habitat, using the hide The Heliport.

Big raptors hide

This hide offers breathtaking views of the heart of the sierra, providing an excellent opportunity to photograph these birds in their natural habitat.

Wildlife observation

The experience includes observation and photography of imperial eagles, goshawks, mousers, griffon vultures and black, among other birds of prey and carrion.

The skies of the Sierra de Andújar is the setting for a multitude of species of birds, among which stand out due to their size and power of the large birds of prey.

One of the great protagonists of these heavens is the iberian imperial eagle, with a 24-25 couples, one of the eagles more threats to the world and another endemic of the iberian peninsula. Next to it, the azores and the mousers are regulars of the innkeepers. The large carrion-eating birds also use the environment to hide for sunbathing or lounging, facing both griffon vulture as the black vulture, the latter being another endangered species that are in Andújar an important stronghold.

We have this hide focus on the birds of prey from the area.

The guides will pick the customers and the move to the farm in question first thing in the morning. Once given the relevant instructions, you will be introduced to the hide in which they will spend the day.

At the last minute, we will pick you up to transfer them back to the meeting point. It is completely prohibido fumar o hacer ruido en el interior del hide. Si surje cualquier imprevisto se avisará al guía.

Technical data sheet

***To be treated of wildlife ensures the presence of the animals in front of the hideout.

You contribute to the conservation

The book contributes to the conservation of the Ecological Reserve on The Hill

Naturoots started in the year 2017, the management of the farm on The Hill (Sierra Andújar).

Shortly after, we get this natural area was declared the Ecological Reserve, a figure targeted to the conservation that is given to private farms in Andalusia.

Thanks to the income of the Path of the Lynx and other experience we've increased the population of rabbits monte (essential in this ecosystem).

To do this, we built dens auxiliary. And also we have created the only source of water for wildlife during the summer. Amphibians they love.

Below you have photos of your creation.

You what actually do!

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